Lesson #13
Home Up Reading #6 Vocabulary #6 KWL Strategy


Americanization and Nativism

Background and Rationale: This lesson is the third lesson of the third week of a unit which examines coerced Irish migration to Iowa for a grade 10-12 advanced placement, American Studies class. Having learned about the Irish migrant experience in Davenport , Iowa , students learn about the benefits of diversity to our society.

Why? I choose to examine American diversity in juxtaposition to Nativism to provide students with insights on our modern non-homogeneous society.

Objectives and Procedures: (50 minute class period)

Given the following activities, the students will:

Examine the concept of Americanization
Examine Nativism against immigrants
Determine their further learning needs through completion of KWL Strategy Sheet

Teaching strategies:

KWL (Know; Want; Learn): completion of strategy sheet

Sequence of Events:

Minutes 1 through 5:
Administrative functions (attendance)

Minutes 5 through 10:
Introduction of KWL Worksheet: Americanization and Nativism

Minutes 10 through 15:
Lecture: Americanization and Nativism

Minutes 15 through 20:
Reading #6: The American Melting Pot

Minutes 20 through 25:
Discussion of Reading #6
Minutes 25 through 30:
Preparation for presentations

Minutes 30 through 35:
Individual project presentations

Minutes 35 to 40:
Individual project presentations

Minutes 40 through 45:
Individual project presentations

Minutes 45 through 50:


(KWL) Worksheet: Americanization and Nativism

Note: The KWL Strategy Sheet is intended as a vehicle through which students may assess their learning and is to be completed by the final day of the unit. The reason for selection of this particular unit is to take advantage of an opportunity to stress diversity as a benefit to our society.

How will I know this is working?

            a) Enthusiastic discussion on Nativism
            b) Enthusiastic presentations

Associated projects: Presentation of individual projects

Readings : Reading #6