March 1847

March 1, 1847

The Very Rev. Dr. Collins, P.P., and the Rev. Justin M'Carthy, R.C.C., waited on the Right Honourable Mr. Labouchere, at the Irish Office, Great Queen-street, Westminster, on Monday, for the purpose of pressing on his attention the necessity which exists for immediate and vigorous steps being taken to save the destitute poor of Ireland from the horrors of their present situation, and to entreat of him not to be influenced in any way, in the course which they hoped would be adopted to accomplish that most desirable result, by the proceedings or opinions of what is denominated the Irish party.

The Rev. Mr. Collins and the Rev. Mr. M'Carthy made representations to Mr. Labouchere, of a nature similar to those made to Lord John Russell, in their interview with him. The deputation, after some further remarks, which Mr. Labouchere listened to with much attention, withdrew, after first having expressed their acknowledgments for the courtesy with which they were received by the hon. gentleman. --Morning Chronicle.

March 8, 1847

DUBLIN, MARCH 1.-- A circumstance occurred to-day which stamps at once the popularity of the ministerial measure of out-door relief to the poor of Ireland, and promises to facilitate its operation throughout the country, so as to ensure not alone favour but success. A deputation of the poor law guardians of Dublin, with the Lord Mayor, who is also chairman, of the North Dublin Poor-law Union, at their head, waited upon the Lord Lieutenant, to represent to him their anxiety to commence immediately the administration of out-door relief to the destitute and able-bodied poor, and to ask his Excellency, after listening with great attention to the deputation, was pleased to give the required sanction, and the deputation then retired, resolving that the system-- in anticipation of the temporary relief measure-- shall commence forthwith.

I am assured that inspectors are already appointed to select the objects of relief, and that our door assistance to the poor will be in operation in Dublin on tomorrow, or the next day at farthest. The Lord Mayor, the head of this movement, for many years fought the battle of out-door relief against O'Connell, through the columns of the journal of which he was the head. He has been at length successful. --Daily News Correspondent.

March 10, 1847

The ship Medemseh, from Liverpool, and bound to New York, which lately put into this port for repairs, now lies at Cove, having on board a large number of emigrants chiefly of the lowest order, in the most destitute and debilitated condition. They are almost totally unprovided with clothing, without sufficient provisions, having consumed a great part of their scanty store while out, and scarcely with strength remaining to leave the hold. It reflects disgrace upon the regulations of the Government that creatures in this condition should be suffered to proceed to sea, with no other dependence against a long and enfeebling voyage than the kindness of persons whose treatment of their passengers, on an average, is hardly less brutal than that experienced from the masters of slave-ships.

No harm, in this instance, could arise from the Government giving relief, in a disaster, which to the poor emigrants, was entirely unforeseen; and they have an agent in the port, charged with the special duty of protecting the interests of this deserving, but much abused, and unfriended class. And yet, some time ago, when the sympathy of that officer was excited for a case of similar distress, he was left to beg a subscription of the inhabitants of this city, to help a number of disabled emigrants to their destination.

March 12, 1847

Keel, Milltown, Kerry, March 8, 1846 [sic]

SIR, -- I gladly avail myself of your kind offer of inserting in your valuable journal a statement of the awful state of destitution to which the inhabitants of this district are reduced, with the sincere hope that the benevolent and humane who are so liberally contributing relief to other distressed localities may be induced to extend their aid to the equally wretched poor of this parish.

This district extends from Castlemain westward towards Dingle, a distance of nine miles, is densely populated, and from the facility of obtaining sea manure, being bounded on one side by the sea, and on the other by a chain of mountains, is entirely a tillage country; and, like all similarly circumstanced districts, is now in a state of the direst distress, the potatoes being completely gone since November, and not a grain of corn even to seed the ground.

Several deaths from starvation have already occurred, and both fever and dysentery are fearfully on the increase, and the bodies frequently interred without coffins. The only food on some farms is boiled seaweed, or, as it is called dhoolamaun, which naturally adds to the spread of dysentery.

A poor woman, who had come a distance of five miles to gather some, was a few days ago found dead by a ditch, and would have been buried without a coffin had it not been that a Coroner happening to be in the neighbourhood, held an inquest, and ordered her one. The verdict found was "death from starvation."

The Clergymen of the Parishes of all religions, assisted by some Ladies, have established a Soup Kitchen in Castlemain for this and the equally distressed parish of Kiltallagh, and have already been the means, under Providence, of saving many lives; and, to their shame be it said, some proprietors deriving large incomes from this place, have refused to contribute to this most useful establishment, while others have not condescended to reply to our applications! Excellent soup is sold at 1/2d. per quart; and those unable to buy at that price, are given free tickets. This must, of course, entail a considerable loss; and to supply this, I beg, through your columns, to appeal to the charitable and humane for aid.

Any remittance made either to the Rev. Mr. Sandes, Milltown, the Rev. Mr. Carmody, Castlemain, or to myself, will be thankfully received.

I would apologize for occupying so much of your excellent paper, but I am sure it gives you pleasure to be the means of relieving the wants of your starving fellow-creatures.

I am, Sir, your obedient faithful servant,


March 15, 1847

THE FEVER which afflicts the lower classes is beginning to reach the upper, as we have long warned the public. We regret to hear that Mr. LAWRENCE is at present ill with fever; and that Mr. BURKE, the Commissioner, is also afflicted with the same disease. The necessary contact with the unfortunate people that crowd the gates of the Workhouse has been the undoubted cause; and in all probability will be the cause of greater danger to the guardians, if something be not done to prevent it.

It has been suggested that Mr. MORGAN's house at Buckingham Place be still retained, and that the business of the Guardians be transacted here. This house had been taken for the Police of the Depot in Barrack Street, when the latter place was contemplated as a ward of the Workhouse. We think the above suggestion worth the consideration of the Guardians.

March 17, 1847

IT being reported to the Constabulary of Watergrass-Hill, on Wednesday last, that an unfortunate family of the name of Noonan, consisting of Noonan himself, a labourer, his wife and child of 12 months old, living at Arnagihee, had died on that day of starvation, a few of the constabulary proceeded to the hut and found the unfortunate victims lying dead on the bare floor without even a sop of straw whereon to rest their wearied limbs whilst living.

The famished child even in death, was found clinging to the bosom of its unhappy mother; and no doubt, expired in its vain attempt to extract from that withered and dried up source the fluid that would have imparted vitality and nutriment. The constabulary, with most becoming humanity, made a public collection, with the amount of which they purchased coffins, and had the wretched victims immediately interred.

In this locality, we are assured, absolute famine stalks abroad with fearful pace, as also in the localities of Gragg and Glenville; and if some steps be not immediately taken to meet the dreadful wants of the famishing population, the districts must ere long be tenanted alone by the dead.

March 19, 1847

THE acute distress which exists in this town, is aggravated, in a degree unprecedented, by the want of habitations, for the multitude of poor, attracted there from the country, by the chances for obtaining a subsistence at a watering place much frequented, as well as by the generous conduct of the townspeople, who are able, in relieving destitution. Rooms and other small tenements are so dreadfully crowded, that life in them is merely fuel for disease, which consequently rages unchecked amongst the lower inhabitants. But the extent of the privation, which the poor endure from the want of shelter, may be judged best from the following fact.

On one of the quays, where a soup kitchen is established, are to be seen some water casks, or large hogsheads, lying on the side with the head out; and each of these throughout the day contains its quota of human beings. Some of the creatures take up a temporary residence in this novel kind of tenement, only waiting to drink the soup which they receive, and then leaving it. Others, however, it appears, find the cask their sole refuge, not quitting it even during the night, except, perhaps to straighten their limbs. In several hogsheads, four or five children, with their mother, are thus lodged, wedged and packed together, the young tenants half suffocated and struggling and fighting in their prison.

March 22, 1847

WE regret to say that fever is increasing rapidly, and becoming each day more malignant in its character, and more fatal in its consequences. Since our last, we have heard of many cases among the wealthier classes of our fellow-citizens, who have been suddenly stricken down, and whose disease has assumed the most malignant character. Among those that we heard of, are Mr. BEAMISH, of Beaumont; Mr. LAURANCE-- whose disease terminated fatally; Mr. ELLIS of Prince's-street; Mr. THOMAS JENNINGS; Mr. MARK O'SHAUGHNESSY, &c.

Then the Work-house has its patients-- so has the Fever-hospital-- so the North Infirmary-- so has every lane in the city of Cork. Is it not time for the citizens to look to the matter, ere it becomes still more dangerous? It is not the tenth, nor the twentieth time that we have lifted our warning voice.

March 24, 1847

AN association for the above purpose has been formed in Ireland, the patroness of which is the Duchess of LEINSTER. The nature of it may be best understood from the following portion of its prospectus:--

At his time of unexampled and general distress, it is found that poverty and want are greatly increased, by there being no sale in the country parts of Ireland, for work done by its female peasantry in schools and in their own cabins. Some ladies in Dublin have taken into consideration the peculiar sufferings of this deserving class, and hope not only to afford present relief, but also to encourage habits of patient and persevering industry, by bringing into public notice the beautiful embroidery, lace-work, and fine knitting, &c. &c., executed by these poor people. With this object in view, they have formed an Association, and propose having a sale in Dublin in the latter end of April, or beginning of May, of work done exclusively by the female peasantry of Ireland.

It is requested that any person wishing to send work to the sale, will communicate before hand with one of the Secretaries, or some member of the Committee, specifying the kind and probably amount which will be ready on or before the 15th of April; stating also the condition of the district, as to the number and poverty of the workwomen and children employed, and whether the works be done in the cabins or in schools, and if the entire, or what proportions of the profits arising from the sale would go to the workers.

For the information of any ladies wishing to aid, by their adhesion and contributions a society so excellent, we may state that the Honorary Secretaries are Miss L. BEAUFORT, 9, Hatch Street, Dublin; Miss PILKINGTON, 13, Gardiner's Place, Dublin; and Miss K. DOBBS, 34, Summer Hill, Dublin. We wish this association good success, and shall always be ready to do anything in our power to ensure it.

March 26, 1847

March 23rd, 1847

DEAR SIR-- You have published a list of the subscribers to the Ballyfeard Relief Fund; it may interest you to know who are the non subscribers!

Sir Thomas Roberts, Bart., Boitfieldstown,
Colonel Wm. M. Hodder, Hoddersfield and Dunbogy,
Samuel Hodder, Ringabella and Reagrove,
Lady Roberts, Oysterhaven,
Wm. Harrington, Ranshiane,
Mesers. O'Brien and Condon, Broomby,
Samuel P. Townsend, Palacetown.

All estated gentlefolk these, who leave the expense of providing for the poor, in addition to the trouble of looking after their paupers, to the few subscribers whose names you publish. Their agents also follow the example of their principals. No wonder the Times should say the Irish landlords "don't do their duty."

March 31, 1847

Accounts have reached town of a fatal affray in one of the islands off the coast of Connemara, early this week. We learn that a great number of men went in boats for the purpose of taking away oysters from the beds belonging to Mr. Martin, M. P., and being warned off, they persevered and flung stones at the keeper in charge when he was obliged to fire upon the party, the consequence of which was, that one man was killed and another severely wounded. We are also informed that Mr. Martin's men were severely hurt, and some of their limbs fractured. --Clare Journal.