[Apr 4, 1846.


On Saturday last, the Government Sales of Indian Corn and Meal commenced in Cork. Immediately on the depôts being opened, the crowds of poor persons who gathered round them were so turbulently inclined as to require the immediate interference of the police, who remained there throughout the day. Among the poor, who were of the humblest description, and needing charitable relief, the sales were but scanty. The occasion had become of necessity; for potatoes have risen to 11d. market price for 14lbs.; and, some of the leading commercial men in Cork have made a calculation, which shows that the Government can afford to sell the Indian Corn at a much cheaper rate. Our artist at Cork has sketched the crowd immediately on the opening of the store.

We feel gratified to learn that a steamer has been despatched from Cork to Dublin, laden with 600 sacks of Indian meal.

One half, by the orders, is to be despatched by the Royal, and the other by the Grand Canal, to the interior. It must be acknowledged that her Majesty's Government are executing their duty promptly and with energy.

The Cork Examiner of Tuesday, contains the following account of the sale:--

"The bakers in Dublin are selling India meal bread in large quantities to the better classes, as well as to the poor, and all consider it more palatable than the ordinary whole-meal, or brown bread.

"The price fixed on it was one penny per pound. The result of the day's sale is sufficient to dissipate all further doubt, and to demand the most serious attention of the citizens of Cork.

"We understand that 4480lbs. of the corn meal were sold on Saturday, at one penny per pound.

"The committee waited this morning on Mr. Hewitson, to grant them a further supply, they, of course, offering to pay the full price for it; but Mr. Hewitson was compelled to refuse the request, he having no orders from the Government to that effect.

"The people, supposing that the supply would be continued, assembled in hundreds round the depôts; but were informed of the fact of there being no more for sale. Considerable excitement was occasioned by the announcement, and the Mayor, fearing that a disburance might arise in consequence, published a public notice, stating that when the order, which was daily expected, should arrive, further supplies would be distributed."