General Education Courses |
COMM 101 Speech Pierce College 3.33 Cr |
Beginning course in public speaking, emphasizing choice and organization of material, audience analysis, oral style of delivery. Extemporaneous method stressed. |
ENGL 101 English Composition I Scott Community College 3 Cr Projects: |
A writing and reading course designed to prepare the student for the types of written communication and thought essential to the academic and working world. The general goals of Composition I are to have students gain more confidence in their writing abilities and improve their proficiency in critical reading, exposition and persuasion. |
ENGL ELEC English Composition II Scott Community College 3 Cr Projects: |
An advanced writing and reading course dealing with logic in thought and communication. Emphasis is on reasoning and argument, research skills and sophistication of style in writing. |
ENGL 120 Introduction to Literature Scott Community College 3 Cr Projects: |
A literature appreciation course which offers an introduction to the major literary genres: the short story, poetry, drama and the novel. Emphasis is on developing an appreciation of literature through learning the basic elements of each genre and applying those elements as tools of literary interpretation. |
Library Proficiency St. Ambrose University (Requirement) |
Completion of Library Skills Proficiency Test. |
MATH 110 College Mathematics Scott Community College 3 CR Projects: |
A mathematics course designed for the liberal arts student. The course covers a broad spectrum of topics designed to help the student survey and develop skills that lead to appreciation for the uses and values of mathematics. Topics include critical thinking skills, sets, logic, numeration systems, number theory, mathematical systems, geometry, counting methods, probability and statistics. Enrichment topics may include social choice and decision making and the mathematics of finance. |
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy Scott Community College 3 Cr Projects: |
An introductory course using an analytical approach to the major types and problems of philosophy and stressing their relevance to contemporary society. |
PHIL 201 Logic St. Ambrose University 3 Cr Projects: |
Designed to strengthen a student’s ability to analyze and evaluate arguments, to recognize fallacious arguments, and to work with formal systems of inductive and deductive reasoning. |
PHIL 207 Ethics Scott Community College 3 Cr Projects: |
This course is designed to give an introduction to ethics from a philosophical perspective. As with any philosophical activity, it will be an inquiry into the fundamental principles and basic concepts that are found at work in the ongoing determination of right and wrong in human life. Socrates' statement that ethics or moral philosophy is a subject that is "no small matter, but (concerns) how we ought to live" will be the overriding consideration in this course. |
THEO 250 Comparative Religion Scott Community College 3 Cr Projects: |
The course will compare several religious traditions to observe similarities and differences in religious cultures and experiences across divisions of time and place. Particular emphasis will be placed upon the occidental-oriental contrast in religious systems. The course will provide an understanding of the role of religion in giving meaning to personal and social existence. |
FINE ELEC Western Culture I Pierce College 3.33 Cr |
A survey course in Western Civilization from ancient history into the age of absolutism. The components of religion, philosophy, literature, art and architecture are integrated into the political and social history of Europe, from our Mesopotamian and Egyptian origins to about the eve of the French Revolution. |
THTR 202 Survey of Theatre St. Ambrose University 3 Cr Projects: |
Fundamental classification of plays, function of various production roles, and principles and theory of the drama. |
BIOL 109 Environmental Science Scott Community College 4 Cr Projects: |
In this course common environmental problems will be surveyed, with discussion as to their possible causes, consequences and remedies. An emphasis will be placed on objective analyses of issues and arguments related to environmental concerns. |
NCSI 105 Physical Science Scott Community College 4 Cr Projects: |
Introduction to selected topics in modern physical science. Emphasis is placed on topics of current events from the fields of astronomy, nuclear theory, chemistry, geology, electricity and optics. Course intended primarily for non-science majors, with material being of a non-mathematical nature. |
CSCI 120 Micro Computer Applications Scott Community College 3 Cr Projects: |
An introduction to computers including database, word processing and spreadsheet applications. This is a beginning course designed primarily to develop computer skills and will include student computer projects. |
ELEC ELEC Upper Division Military Course St. Ambrose University 4 Cr |
US Army Advanced (Infantry) Non-commissioned Officers Course. Three month live-in course concentrating on leadership, technical and tactical proficiency. |
PED 149 Wellness Concepts St. Ambrose University (Exempt) |
Holistic overview of basic wellness concepts including health-related fitness, body maintenance, nutrition and weight management, substance use and misuse, stress management and chronic disease prevention. This course is a prerequisite to the activity courses. |
PED ELEC Physical Education Elective St. Ambrose University 1 Cr |
Activity classes cover the theory and practice of the sports listed, including skill fundamentals, strategy and rules, safety and consumer practices. |
Interstate New Teacher
Assessment and |