Electronic Portfolio:
Charles E. Lewis

Education Home


Web Sites I Created

In Summer of 2001, I revised the SAU Education Department web site, creating many of the graphics including the banner seen in the heading. I would have preferred other colors and fonts; however, SAU mandates compliance with the university's web template. Therefore, creativity is severely limited.

Note: This webpage was revised some time ago. But, my version was up for nearly 10 years,

My web site was located at http://lewis184.home.mchsi.com/welcome.htm. I began work on it as a project for EDUC 308 and got slightly carried away. The site includes almost 200 graphics, many of which I created.

The newer version of the original webpage is found at www.lewis-genealogy.org/miitary.

This web site was created in lieu of 50 hours of in-class observation for EDUC 336. The entire site is an online lesson plan for a unit on Irish Famine immigration which was inspired by research for HIST 315.
This web site was created as an attempt to consolidate many of the resources used in the Famine Lesson Plan.

Interstate New Teacher Assessment and
Support Consortium (INTASC) Standards