Descendants of the Moseley Family of Georgia

Generation #0

The Moseley Family (0Immigrant Ancestor) of Georgia

The Moseleys of Georgia descend from at least four distinct lines. And, separating out the many Moseleys and their children has been the subject of multiple volumes. The following is a brief description of each line:

Moseley Families who went to Georgia

Essex Line Descended from William (s/o William) b. c. 1635 Delft, Holland, settled in Old Rappahannock Co VA. The first members of the Essex Line to migrate to Georgia were the children of William "the Opportunist" Moseley.
Norfolk Line Descended from Arthur (s/o William) b. 1637 Delft, Holland, settled in Norfolk Co VA. The first members of the Norfolk Line to migrate to Georgia were Robert b. c. 1735 and his family.
Brunswick Line Descended from William "the Immigrant" b. c. 1680 in England.

Apr 1701 decl -5 to Arthur Allin re 1800a S side of the maine Black Water Sw. [Isle of Wight Co.] con transportacon of 36 persons into this Colony whose names are Sarah Inkershall, Robert Inkershall, Henry Rance, Thomas Bland, Margaret Brown, Wm Mosly, George Groves, Wm Sweatman, Ann Dixon & 27 right paid for to Wm Byrd Esqr Auditor.

The first members of the Brunswick Line to migrate to Georgia were Robert Joel b. 1755 and his family. 

Bedford Line James "the Immigrant" b. c. 1712 in England settled c. 1740 in Louisa Co VA. The family moved to Bedford Co VA before 1770. The first members of the Bedford Line to migrate to Georgia were Edward b. 1737 and his family.
Unknown Osborne Moseley b. c. 1790 Greene Co GA.

The first four Moseley families intermingled in Brunswick Co VA in the middle decades of the 1700s. James W. Terry created a map which shows the many Moseley properties in Brunswick Co VA from 1735 to about 1785. Below is an abstract of the source information used to create the map:

Plat Map Analysis for South-central Brunswick Co VA from 1735 to about 1785

Transcribed from correspondence re: a map drawn Nov 2003
by James W. Terry (
Copied from RootsWeb, 10 November 2004.

Land owners map along NC border about 5 miles north in VA from Pigeonroost Creek eastward to Pea Hill Creek

  • MAP along NC border has Wm Roberts 292 acres in 1736 at Pigeonroost Creek
  • eastward unreadable patent for about 400 acres
  • then Wm Huff 1001 acres in 1764
  • then just west of Lizard Creek is John Lynch's land

Continuing eastward on NC border, Francis Elledge got 182 acres in 1744:

  • then even smaller plots owned by Hayne and Ray
  • just north of Ray was Reid's small plot
  • then east of Ray and west of Pea Hill Cr was the 241 acres which Wm Hardin sold to Edw Clanton in 1762;

Map north from NC border along East bank of Pigeonroost Creek:

  • Wm Roberts aforementioned land was on both sides of creek
  • north of Roberts in 1741, Wm Moseley got 154 acres on both sides of creek
  • northward from there just on east bank Daniel Huff got land in 1753
  • then northward of Huff was the massive 2348 acres that Abraham Jones, Jr. obtained in 1755 on east bank of Pigeonroost Creek.

Lizard Creek land northward from NC border:

  • as stated above John Lynch was on west bank and Francis Elledge land on east bank at NC border
  • North of both Lynch and Elledge was land of a Wm Moseley who acquired 351 ac on west bank lizard Cr 1735, and 333 acres on east bank in 1755
  • West of that Wm Moseley land was about 2 square miles of Wm Huff land
  • on Huff's northern border (not adjacent Mosely) was about 250 ac chunk owned by McIlvane
  • north of Wm Moseley on west bank Lizard Cr was bef 1764 John Moseley's land
  • across on east bank and all north and east sides of Wm Moseley, was Wm Holloway land [617 acres in 1764] lay east of John Moseley and west of Pea Hill creek
  • south of Wm Holloway 1764 was Wm Holloway 398 acres from 1757 just east of Wm Moseley's

West bank of Pea Hill Creek land northward from NC border

  • north of the above 241 ac sold to Edw Clanton 1762 by Wm Hardin, lay a 200 ac east-west oriented strip of land owned after 1740 by John Moseley, which land reached westward to southeastern corner of Wm Moseley's 333 acres on east bank of Lizard Creek
  • in 1769 Wm Foolby Moseley acquired that 200acres, and in 1784 Foolby acquired 174 acres from unknown source, perhaps a patent, lying just south and southwest from the junction of above John Moseley/Wm Moseley fence line. that 174 acres was bordered on west by Francis Elledge land, on south by Hayne's land, on east by Reid's land, and maybe on southeast by Ray's land;

Continuing up the west bank of Pea Hill Creel from NC border:

  • North of above Hardin land was John Moseley 1740 land
  • then north of him lay 414 ac Wm Gray got in 1732 and sold to Thomas Washington in 1748
  • west of there was 1759 land of a John Pearson who was at south-southeast corner of above Wm Moseley's 333 acres.
  • north of Wm Gray along west bank of Pea Hill was 300 ac land Ephroditius Barton got in 1727
  • north of Barton was apparently small unknown land
  • then to north lay 152 acres land Wm Huff got in 1737 who sold to James Moseley in 1744 who sold it in 1748.
  • westward and eventually also northward from those Barton and Huff land patents on west bank of Pea Hill Cr lay Wm Holloway's land that was previously mentioned because it straddles Lizard Creek which almost heads up adjacent to upper Pea Hill Creek on the 1764 Wm Holloway 627 acres of land

Far northern headwaters of Pea Hill Creek, north of headwaters of Lizard Creek:

  • north of Wm Holloway's 1764 land of 627 acres, Abraham Jones' massive 2348 acres of 1755 has an eastward tongue of land which reaches east to Pea Hill Creek that's just north of Wm Holloway's 617 acres along west bank of Pea Hill Creek
  • west of that Holloway land (and south of aforementioned Jones' land) is about 500 acres of land on west bank Lizard Cr, which John Moseley had bef 1764
  • up northern Pea Hill Creek north of Wm Holloway's aforementioned 617 ACRES (and north of the aforementioned eastward extension of Abr Jones 1755 land) lay a cluster of five 200 to 400 acre parcels
  • at northeastern corner of Abraham Jones massive 2348 acres that he got 1755 east of Pigeonroost Creek
  • At the North-northeast corner of Jones' land was 342 acres of Henry Rose's land acquired 1748
  • just south of Rose land (at east-northeast corner of Jones land
  • about 1 mile upstream on Pea Hill Creek from Wm Holloway 627 acres) lay Thomas Moseley's 1746 land patent for 404 acres.
  • East of Thomas Mosely land lay Wm Moseley, Jr., also known as Red Root to distinguish him from a contemporary Wm Moseley known in tax lists as Foolby. Wm Moseley, Jr. had 432 acres acquired 1770 east of southern portion of Thos Moseley's 404 acres, hence east of Pea Hill Creek
  • north of Red Root land on the northeast of Thos Moseley 404 acres, lay Benjamin Moseley's 198 acres acquired 1756 but he sold it to Robert Moseley in 1761
  • North of Benj Moseley's 198 acres and northeast from Henry Roses's 342 acres lay the most northerly land of Jim Terry's Nov 2003 land map, i.e. the land James Upchurch got in 1762.
  • to northward somewhere toward Rattlesnake Creek, from James Upchurch land, probably not adjacent to James Upchurch land, the 1600 acres of John Steed land upon which he moved in 1735;
  • 9/1760 Joel Moseley was described as of Southampton Co VA Sep 1760 when he bought 150 ac on Rattlesnake Cr in Brunswick Co VA.
  • Robert Moseley bought 290 acres on Rattlesnake Creek from John Steed in 1771 in Brunswick Co VA.
  • 1778 Robert Moseley of Chatham Co NC sold 296 ac on Rattlesnake Cr.

Descendants of the many Moseley families migrated to Georgia, settling in Wilkes, Greene, and Morgan counties. Below is a list of Moseley tax and marriage records in Morgan Co GA:

Morgan Co GA Tax Lists

Name                 Year  Relationship                Family
Mosely, Daniel       1809  s/o Robert    s/o William   Essex Line
Mosely, Jesse        1809  s/o Robert    s/o William   Essex Line
Mosely, Laburn       1809  s/o William   s/o Benjamin  Essex Line
Mosely, Robert       1810  s/o Robert    s/o Arthur    Norfolk Line
Mosley, Elisha       1811  s/o Robert    s/o Arthur    Norfolk Line
Mosley, Osborne      1811                              Unknown
Mosley, Benjamin     1817  s/o Henry     s/o Robert    Norfolk Line
Mosley, Jonathan     1817  s/o Benjamin  s/o William   Essex Line
Mosley, Joseph       1817  s/o Elijah    s/o Robert    Norfolk Line
Mosley, Robert       1817  s/o Robert    s/o Arthur    Norfolk Line 
Mosley, Thomas       1817  s/o Thomas    s/o William   Essex Line 
Mosley, Allen        1817  s/o William   s/o William   Norfolk Line
Mosley, John         1817  s/o Benjamin  s/o Robert    Norfolk Line
Mosley, James        1820  s/o Edward    s/o James     Bedford Line
Mosley, Wiley        1823  s/o John      s/o William   Essex Line

Morgan Co GA Marriages

Groom              Bride                        Date
Copeland John      Moseley Penelope             1806
                        d/o Robert                      Essex Line
Moseley Laburn     Lucas Elizabeth	        1808
	s/o William s/o Benjamin  			Essex Line
Mosely Richard J   Crawley Martha  	  12/26/1833 
	s/o Daniel  s/o Robert 				Essex Line
Mosely William     Gilpin Harriet 	  08/10/1826
	s/o Jonathan s/o Benjamin 			Essex Line
Barnes Alfred      Moseley Mirean 	  09/16/1830 
			d/o Daniel   s/o Robert 	Essex Line
Hanson Thomas K    Mosley [Grace]    	  02/07/1828 
			d/o Osborn 			Unknown
Greer Thomas       Mosley Eliza      	  03/03/1825 
			d/o Daniel   s/o Robert 	Essex Line
Kelly Reuben       Mosley Mary      	  03/13/1823
			d/o Benjamin s/o Henry		Norfolk Line

This investigation of the Moseleys of Georgia centers on the families who lived in the lands which would become Morgan Co GA where the Lewis brothers reportedly married two Moseley sisters. Due to courthouse fires and other acts of destruction, there are few records from Morgan Co GA in its early days. Therefore, the actual parents of Polly and Cynthia Moseley may never be known. Based on the possible relationship between the sons of Robert Moseley of the Norfolk Line b. c. 1735 in Nottoway Parish, Isle of Wight Co VA and Lt. Lewis of the "Company of Spies" during the Red Stick War, Robert is chosen as the best choice as progenitor of this line of the larger Moseley Family.


    1. Robert Moseley b. c. 1735 Nottoway Parish, Isle of Wight Co VA

Generation #1


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