Individual Project
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”The Great Famine” Individual Project

Individual projects are intended to demonstrate what the student has learned from this unit. Students should be encouraged to develop applicable, multi-modal projects–physical or electronic presentations, original music, plays, oral recitations, original works of art. Utilizing copies of original documents, written accounts, and their own oral histories (stories), there is a wealth of information from which to start. Acknowledging that much of this information might not be accurate, the purpose of the individual project is not a factual history but an appreciation for the process of creating a history. Should any student not have access to his/her own family's documents, encouragement to develop a plausible, fictionalized migration history is appropriate. And lastly, the project should be fun.

Independent study is another option for the individual project. Readings (at level) and subsequent reports (oral or written) on these readings can develop further understanding and appreciation of the topics discussed.

The students are required to submit a proposal by the end of the 1st week of the unit and sign up for a presentation date during the 2nd week. Presentations will begin the 1st day of the 3rd week. Note, presentations comprise 1/4 of the unit grade.


Individually Generated Projects Rubric


Poor (0-7)

Good (8-15)

Excellent (16-20)



Something borrowed


An original idea

I never would have thought of that.



Just regular “stuff”


New information

Let me take notes.



Something about immigration

Information directly related to their family’s experience

History lives through your efforts.



Thanks for trying.

Learning is demonstrated through effort

How long did you work on this?



Thanks for coming.

Aesthetically appealing





