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The Proposal

  1. Setting:
    -Time: 1840 to 1849 "The Great Famine"
    -Place: Rural Western Ireland
    -Major (stock) characters:
                -Maurice Daughton: the Protagonist
                -Dennis Mullin: the Buddy
                -The Widow Mullin: the Love Interest
  2. Prologue:
    -Why are we telling this story?
    -To describe the character of Famine Irish immigrants.
  3. Scene 1
    -Initiation of action: Maurice needs to get married.
    -Steps to achieve goal: Maurice meets Dennis' mother.
    -Results of protagonist's actions: Maurice commissions the Matchmaker.
  4. Scene 2
    -Crisis: Maurice wants to ask Margaret to marry him.
    -Reaction: Margaret declines but has an alternative proposal
  5. Epilogue:
    -What have we learned?
    -Famine Irish were survivors.