Descendants of Lewis ap David of Cardiganshire, Wales

Generation #4

Note: Information on the Lewis Family before Walden Lewis b. c. 1774 in Virginia comes from assumptions based on multiple sources. Therefore, the information on this page is not reliable for genealogical purposes. A detailed discussion of the many connections can be found at Lewis Family Research.

Richard "an Immigrant" (3Richard, 2James ap Lewis, 1Lewis ap David) Lewis of Virginia

My father traced our family to the Lewises of Sunderland Creek. He believed that we descended from some unnamed son of William. But now we know that William died without issue.

Richard was born 1609 in Cardiganshire, Wales. And, Richard was named for his father Richard, the "Great Gamester," who is in the Lewis pedigree chart in Dwnn's Heraldic Visitations, p. 40: "Richard Lewes, Bachelour of Laws; Is a great and generall gamester but somewhat unfortunate."

The overarching question is, "What would prompt this Richard to leave the lap of luxury in Wales and immigrate to very early Colonial Virginia?" Had the Lewis family devolved from the riches of nobility to penury with the ongoing loss of their many estates?

a. On 9/28/1689, John Lewis of Coedmor mortgaged the Coedmor estate for £400. And later, John Lewis was "obliged to convey" Coedmor to his cousin, Walter Lloyd. 

b. Abernant Bychan Manor devolved down to John Lewis, previously of Coedmor, then to his daughter Catherine and her son George Lewis Langton. Had the value of Abernant Bychan so diminished that the manor was a lesser inheritance? Or, was Catherine the sole heir? Whatever the circumstances, Abernant Bychan Manor passed out of the Lewis family. In 1738 George Lewis Langton willed the manor to his step-grandfather, Walter Pryse, a descendant of the house of Gogerddan.

c. The Gellidywyll estate across the Afon Teifi in Carmarthenshire remained in possession of the junior branch of the Lewis family for five generations. The estate was purchased by James ap Lewis, Esq. for James Lewis & Joan furch Morgan Lloyd and passed down to a) Thomas Lewis, Esq. & Mary furch David to b) James Lewis & Joan furch Owen to c) Bridgett Lewis, apparent heir, & William Jenkins to d) Elizabeth Jenkins, apparent heir, & William Brigstocke. In about 1850, William Owen Brigstocke of Gellidywyll and Blaenpant, a distant descendant of the first William Brigstocke, married Emmeline Lloyd of Coedmor. This marks the combination of those two estates within the Lloyd family who were cousins with the previous owners, the Lewis family of Cardiganshire.

I postulate that the Lewis men who were without lands braved the oceans and went to America where land was there for the taking.

Richard immigrated in 9/1635 to St. Christopher's (now St. Kitts) in the British West Indies and was later transported to Charles River Shire by William English who received 1,420 acres of land for the many persons he transported to Virginia.

Research Note: William English was granted lands adjacent to Cpt Christopher Wormeley. Evidently, Wormeley assumed those lands.

The 1636 date for Richard's arrival in Virginia can be calculated from Cpt Wormeley's land grant. The 1638 grant states "In right of trans. of 16 pers. the 1st yr. and 25 pers. the 2nd yr., of Chas. River by William English, gent. dec'd. . .1st adventure. . .2nd adventure. . .Richard Lewis. . . ." In 1634 Charles River Shire (now York County) was formed. And, 1636 was the second year of the county. [Lewis Immigration to Early Virginia]

Where did Richard initially land in Virginia? At the time of his immigration, the lands south of the Rappahannock River were part of the newly formed Charles River Shire. The name would change to York (1637) then to Lancaster (1651) and is now Middlesex (1673). In 1652 Richard patented land on Bertram/ Sunderland Creek, south of the Rappahannock. Sometime later, Richard married Frances. Some have postulated that she was the Frances Miles who was recorded in many records. Depending on the date, the marriage would have been consecrated in Christ Church Parish (1666) or its predecessor.

Richard and Frances settled on Sunderland Creek (vic Remlik VA) south of the Rappahannock River in the portion of Lancaster Co VA which became Middlesex County in 1673. Richard is documented receiving considerable land estimated to be as high as 1,200 acres as headright for importing persons to Virginia.

Richard died before 2/1669. There is no extant will. Wife Frances was most probably the administrix; as from the 2/15/1669 Lancaster County Court record, she appears to have failed some probate obligation.

From the records, we know of one son, William. We know William died without issue from his 2/1684 probate which names his sisters but no progeny. Therefore, this is a dead line.

Signet Office Docquet Book: SR 04156 p. 4:
Richard Lewis emigrated to Virginia 2 September 1635 on the William & John Ship, he embarked from Gravesend, England. He arrived at St. Christopher's, West Indies and then transported to Virginia.
Passenger list includes Richard Lewis age 26.
CAPT. CHRISTOPHER WORMELEY, 1420 an. Chas. Riv. Co., 27 Jan. 1638, p. 607.
-N. upon sd. river, bounded with Wormeleys Cr., on E. with land of Nicholas Clarke &c., joyning land formerly belonging to Mr. Lionell Roulston &c., crossing a ridge of land & the path leading to the new Poquoson &c., runing from the edge of the marsh to the head of the back creeke N. E. & down the same until it meete with land of sd. Clarke &c. 
-Due by right of trans. of 16 pers. the 1st yeare: Henry Marshall, John Thomas, Stephen Lash, Richard Header, Morris Coleman, John Brownelofe, William Musgrave (or Musgrane), his wife & 2 children, Joe & Samboe Negroes, & 4 servants more.
-For the 2nd yeare: John Hampton, Morris Prosser, Jinkin Williams, William Baker, John Loyse, Sarnell. Jones, Thomas Sax, Edward Murfeild, Morris Walker, William Gingey (or Guigey), William English, Nicholas Raymon, Nicholas Welch, Dickery Newman, John Congden, Margarett Raw, Richard Lewis, Jerimiah Lynch, Thomas Skirrick, Richard Marmaduke, Thomas Jenkin, Henry Hyves, John Poole, Peter ?, Leonard Reeves.
29 Nov. 1652. RICHARD LEWIS, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., p. 240. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., upon the head of Bertram Oberts land, beg. upon the W. N. W. side of a path which goeth to head of Nimcock Cr.; Trans. of 6 pers.*
Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Volume I, Lancaster County Court Orders, 1652-1655:
- p. 79: Lewis, Rich: He assigned a debt of 3000 lb. tobo to Tho Griffin due from est of Epa Lawson decd. 6 Oct 1653.
- p. 92: To pay levy on 2 tytheables to Mr. Rd Perrot. 24 Oct 1653.
-p. 155: Patent. 300 acres on S side Rappa river at head of Bartram Obert's land and adj a path going to the hind of Nyemcock Creek, etc. 29 Nov 1652. Lewis assigns this land to Mr Tho Willis and Richd Watkins 4 Jan 1653/4. Wit: Wm Garber, Em Davids.
-p. 155: Also a second deed from Lewis to Willis and Watkins dated 7 Aug 1654. Wit: John Catlett, Hen Nicholls.
-p. 194: To pay levy on 3 tytheables to Mr Rd Perrott. 6th Feby 1654/5.
-p. 174. His land on Sunderland Creek adjs that sold by Welch to Coopland. 6 Jun 1655.
RICHARD LEWIS. 500 acs. Lancaster Co., 16 Jan. 1658. Running up branch of Copelands Cr. to land of Robert Kemp & Minord Minson. Trans. of 10 pers.
Note: The rights are due by a former patent granted him for 500 acs. for which Mr. Potter had a former grant.
Richard Lewis. 200 acs. Lancaster Co., 16 Jan. 1658. On the head of Sunderland Cr., beg. at white oak of Mr. Cuthbert Potter, running to land of Thomas Willis & Robt. Midleton. Trans. of 4 pers: Adry White, Tho. White, Tho. Surfleete, Jno. Castle.
Renewed in his name 11 Jan. 1663.
RICHARD LEWIS, 500 acs. Lancaster Co., 7 Oct. 1658 "about eleaven of the Clock" Upon the head of Sunderland Cr. alias Burnhams Cr., beg. on the S. branch of the three runs, W. upon land of Thomas Paddison, S. W. to Mr. Tho. Wilby & Robert Midleton's land. Trans. of 10 pers.
Note: The rights of this patent are due by a former patent granted to John Sharpe, by him assigned to sd. Lewis & by him relinquished.
Note: The rights of this patent are placed to another of sd. Lewis, Mr. Cuthbert Potter having a former grant to sd. land. 16 Jan. 1658.
Note: According to other researchers, Richard received a total of 1200 acres for transporting 24 people into the colony.
RICHARD LEWIS. 190 acs. Lancaster Co., 2 Feb. 1662, Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., adj. land of Dennis Conniers & Evan Davis, along head of Oberts Cr. & S.E. upon land of Mr. Bertrum Obert. Granted to Capt. Wm. Brocas 18 Nov. 1653, assigned to Sir Henry Chichly, who assigned to sd. Lewis.
Lancaster Co VA Land Orders (1654-1666), p. 248:
On August 20, 1662 Richard and Frances Lewis conveyed to Thomas [Tuggle] another one hundred acres which was described as adjoining his land and the lands of Cuthbert Potter and Thomas Willis.

Virginia Land Grants, p. 277:
10/30/1669. Thomas [Tuggle] patented 210 acres in Middlesex Co. which included 100 acres he had purchased in 1662 from Richard Lewis and 110 acres for transporting 3 persons from England.

1666-1669 Lancaster County Order Book; Antient Press: p. 101:
Lancaster County Court 15th of February 1668/69
An accon beinge commenced at this Cort. by FRANCYS LEWYS, Widd., agt. JA: GASCOIGNE, the Cort, conveaveing noe cause of accon by reason of the non administr: of the sde. FRANCYS upon ye Estate of her Husband, RICH LEWYS (deced), doe grant a non suite agt, ye sde, FRANCYS wth: costs.
10/1/1670. Whereas Mr. GEORGE MARSH did by his Last Will & Testamt. authorize and appoynt HENRY CORBYN Esqr. of Rappa. River to sell & dispose of his lands in Virga. as by the said Will more fully appeareth NOW KNOW YEE that for the sume of five hundred pounds of Tob: and Caske to me in hand paid by Mr. RICHARD LEWIS of Rappa,, River.
-I the abovesd HEN: CORBYN have bargained and sould to Mr. RICHARD LEWIS his heires & assignes forever all the right title & interest of the within specified land by Estimacon foure hundred & twenty acres be it more or less that the sd GEORGE MARSH had to the within specified land.
-To Have and To Hold the said foure hundred & twenty acres of land to the [estate of] sd RICHARD LEWIS his heirs for Ever.
-As Wittness my hand & seale this first day of Octobr, 1670. in psents of us JOHN BURNHAM, HENRY CORBIN, WM. FREEMAN
Recognitr. in Cur Rappa. 3d die November 1670


    Note: With the early death of son William, this Lewis line died out.

    1. William Lewis

Middlesex Co VA Orders Bk, 2, p. 151:
1683: Grace Lewis Exec. of Wm. Lewis, son of Richard Lewis.
Middlesex County Orders 1680-1694, p. 151::
4 Feb 1683/4. Administration of all and singular the personal Estate of William Lewis, deceased, is granted to Grace Lewis, Robert Williamson (as marrying Katheren Lewis), Margaret Lewis they being the daughters of Richard Lewis, deceased, and Sisters to the said William Lewis, deceased. And that they joyntly give and put in good security to this Court for the said Estate and that it bee appraised and that the Sherriffe summons Capt. Henry Nichols, Mr. Robert Price, Mr. Matthew Bentlye, and Mr. Richard Willis or any three of them being sworne by Mr. Abraham Weekes or ye next Justice of Peace and that the Clarke (clerk) be there to take the Inventory and that the Administrators give Bond with good securitie for dew administration.

Note. Capt Henry Nichols (c. 1637-1692) was the son of John Lewis and b/law of Giles Blyzard.

    2. Grace Lewis

Middlesex County Orders 1680-1694, p. 151::
4 Feb 1683/4. Administration of all and singular the personal Estate of William Lewis, deceased, is granted to Grace Lewis, Robert Williamson (as marrying Katheren Lewis), Margaret Lewis they being the daughters of Richard Lewis, deceased, and Sisters to the said William Lewis, deceased. And that they joyntly give and put in good security to this Court for the said Estate and that it bee appraised and that the Sherriffe summons Capt. Henry Nichols, Mr. Robert Price, Mr. Matthew Bentlye, and Mr. Richard Willis or any three of them being sworne by Mr. Abraham Weekes or ye next Justice of Peace and that the Clarke (clerk) be there to take the Inventory and that the Administrators give Bond with good securitie for dew administration.

    3. Katherine Lewis

Middlesex County Orders 1680-1694, p. 151::
4 Feb 1683/4. Administration of all and singular the personal Estate of William Lewis, deceased, is granted to Grace Lewis, Robert Williamson (as marrying Katheren Lewis), Margaret Lewis they being the daughters of Richard Lewis, deceased, and Sisters to the said William Lewis, deceased. And that they joyntly give and put in good security to this Court for the said Estate and that it bee appraised and that the Sherriffe summons Capt. Henry Nichols, Mr. Robert Price, Mr. Matthew Bentlye, and Mr. Richard Willis or any three of them being sworne by Mr. Abraham Weekes or ye next Justice of Peace and that the Clarke (clerk) be there to take the Inventory and that the Administrators give Bond with good securitie for dew administration.
Middlesex Co VA Orders Book 2, p. 181:
November 3, 1684. Robert Williamson sues Thomas Tuggle for a survey of land according to a patent of Richard Lewis, deceased.

    4. Margaret Lewis

Middlesex County Orders 1680-1694, p. 151::
4 Feb 1683/4. Administration of all and singular the personal Estate of William Lewis, deceased, is granted to Grace Lewis, Robert Williamson (as marrying Katheren Lewis), Margaret Lewis they being the daughters of Richard Lewis, deceased, and Sisters to the said William Lewis, deceased. And that they joyntly give and put in good security to this Court for the said Estate and that it bee appraised and that the Sherriffe summons Capt. Henry Nichols, Mr. Robert Price, Mr. Matthew Bentlye, and Mr. Richard Willis or any three of them being sworne by Mr. Abraham Weekes or ye next Justice of Peace and that the Clarke (clerk) be there to take the Inventory and that the Administrators give Bond with good securitie for dew administration.


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