Descendants of Hannah McConnell of Virginia


Generation #0

Hannah McConnell of Virginia

Hannah is the oldest McConnell found in Licking Co OH. She and her descendants are the clue to finding further information on this family.

Hannah was born in 1777 in Virginia. Proof comes from the 1850 and 1860 Censuses. In about 1797 in Virginia, Hannah married the progenitor of this family. His name is unknown to date.

Sometime after 1822, the family migrated to Licking Co OH. This date is set by the birth of son Michael in Virginia. Hannah's husband probably died before 1830; as Hannah is listed as the Head of Household in all of the censuses from 1830 to 1860. Hannah died sometime after 1860 in Licking Co OH.

Males Born After # McConnell Females Born After # McConnell
100+       100+      
to 100 1730     to 100 1730    
to 90 1740     to 90 1740    
to 80 1750     to 80 1750    
to 70 1760     to 70 1760    
to 60 1770     to 60 1770 1 Hannah
to 50 1780     to 50 1780 0  
to 40 1790 2 Unknown
to 40 1790 1 Unknown
to 30 1800 1 Samuel to 30 1800 1 Arabella
to 20 1810 2 James
to 20 1810 0  
to 15 1815 0   to 15 1815 1 Unknown
to 10 1820 1 Michael to 10 1820 0  
Males Born After



Females Born After # McConnell
100+ 100+
to 100 1740 to 100 1740
to 90 1750 to 90 1750
to 80 1760 to 80 1760
to 70 1770 to 70 1770
to 60 1780 to 60 1780 1 Hannah
to 50 1790 to 50 1790 0
to 40 1800 to 40 1800 1 Arabella
to 30 1810 1 James to 30 1810 0
to 20 1820 0 to 20 1820 1 James' spouse
to 15 1825 1 Michael to 15 1825 0
to 10 1830 0 to 10 1830 0
to 5 1835 0 to 5 1835 1 Mary
1850 Licking Co OH Census: Newton Twp
HN    FN    Last       First    Age   Sex  Occup.  POB
1652  1664  McConnell  Hannah   72    F            VA
                       Arabella 40    F            "
                       James    33    M    Farmer  "
                       Michael  30    M            "
                       Wilson   21    M    Farmer  O[hio]
                       Mary     12    F            "
1860 Licking Co OH Census: Newton Twp
HN   FN   Last       First   Age   Sex  Occup.       POB
1088 907  McConnell  Hannah   83   F    Housekeeping Virginia
                     Arabella 53   F                 "
                     James    40   M    Farmer       "
                     Michael  38   M    Physician    "


    1 - 4. Three unknown sons and one unknown daughter

    5. Samuel McConnell b. 1802 in Virginia

    6. Arabella McConnell

    7. James McConnell

 Name  Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
 James MC CONNELL   Self   M   Male   W   64   VA   Farmer   ---   VA 
 Lydia M. MC CONNELL   Wife   M   Female   W   39   OH   Keeping House   VA   VA 

    8. Michael McConnell

Generation #1


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