Descendants of Dad Jacobs of New Amsterdam


Generation #2

Heyltje (1Dad) Jacobs of New Amsterdam

Heyltje Jacobs was born in about 1635, probably in the Dutch Republic. From the 1679 marriage record for Heyltje's possible sister, Willemtie Jacobs, researchers have reported that this family was from Goteburg, Sweden. However, this is not proven.

1679 24 Dec; Jan Broersse Decker, wid Heiltie Jacobs, liv Marbletown; Willemtie Jacobs, wid Jan Cornelisse, of Gottenburgh, liv Kingston.

Sometime before 1661, Heytje immigrated to Dutch America with her family.

Heyltje is first found documented in a 1661 Esopus (now Kinston NY) baptism. In about 1662 probably at Esopus (now Kinston NY), Heyltje married Jan Broesrsen Decker b. c. 1628 in Husun, Duchy of Schleswig.

Jan and Heyltje lived their lives in Wiltwyck (now Kingston, Ulster Co) New York, raising at least four children. But, Heyltje died 1/9/1678 in Ulster Co NY, and Jan Broesren would marry next Heyltje's little sister, Willemtje Jacobs.

Dutch Reformed Church, Esopus, (now Kingston NY): 1661

Parents Child Sponsors
Mattys Roelofse
Aeltje Sybrants
Sybrant Christiaan Nysen Romp, Jan Pietersen,
Jonas Ransou, Cateryn Mattysen,
Heyltje Jacobs


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