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September 1846

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May 1847

June 1847

July 1847

August 1847

September 1847

October 1847

November 1847

December 1847

Taylor, S. (Unknown), Views of the famine: Vassar College web site. Retrieved December 1, 2001 from World Wide Web:


The Galway starvation riots. (1842, June 25). The Illustrated London News.
Ireland and the Irish: Irish poverty. (1843, August 12). The Illustrated London News.
Ireland and the Irish: old beggar man. (1843, October 7). The Illustrated London News.
The potato disease. (1845, October 18). The Illustrated London News.
Indian corn in Cork. (1846, April 4). The Illustrated London News.
The late food riots in Dublin. (1846, November 7). The Illustrated London News.
Famine and starvation in the County of Cork. (1847, January 16). The Illustrated London News.
Mortality in Skibberdeen. (1847, January 30). The Illustrated London News.
Sketches in the west of Ireland. (1847, February 13). The Illustrated London News.
Sketches in the west of Ireland. (1847, February 20). The Illustrated London News.
Soup store at Cork. (1847, March 13). The Illustrated London News.
The tide of immigration to the United States and to the British colonies. (1847, September 17). The Illustrated London News.
Sketches in Ireland: Thurles. (1848, August 26). The Illustrated London News.
Sketches in Ireland. (1848, September 2). The Illustrated London News.
Evictions of peasantry in Ireland. (1848, December 16). The Illustrated London News.
State of Ireland: emigration. (1849, August 11). The Illustrated London News.
Condition of Ireland: illustrations of the new poor-law. (1849, December 15). The Illustrated London News.
Condition of Ireland: illustrations of the new poor-law. (1849, December 22). The Illustrated London News.
Condition of Ireland: illustrations of the new poor-law. (1849, December 29). The Illustrated London News.
Evictions: 1850. (1850). The Illustrated London News.
Condition of Ireland: illustrations of the new poor-law. (1850, January 19). The Illustrated London News.
Condition of Ireland: illustrations of the new poor-law. (1850, January 26). The Illustrated London News.
Condition of Ireland: illustrations of the new poor-law. (1850, February 9). The Illustrated London News.
The tide of immigration to the United States and to the British colonies. (1850, July 6). The Illustrated London News.
The depopulation of Ireland. (1851, May 10). The Illustrated London News.
The dawn of a brighter day. (1852, November 27). The Illustrated London News.
Sketches of Irish life. (1857, January 24). The Illustrated London News.
The Irish cow-doctor. (1857, February 21). The Illustrated London News.

An Gora Mor: the Great Irish Famine, (2001, February 3), University of Wales, Swansea History Department web site. Retrieved December 1, 2001 from World Wide Web: resources/An Gorta Mor/newspapers/illustrated london news

Taylor, S. (Unknown), Views of the famine: Vassar College web site. Retrieved December 1, 2001 from World Wide Web:

Gerald Keegan's Summer of Sorrow, 1847 (Published 1895)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Taylor, S. (Unknown), Views of the famine: Vassar College web site. Retrieved December 1, 2001 from World Wide Web:

Irish agitation and destitution. (1846, August 22). The Pictorial Times.
Food riots in Ireland. (1846, October 10). The Pictorial Times.

Irish relief. (1847, January 30). The Pictorial Times.

Famine in Ireland. (1847, October 30). The Pictorial Times.

Taylor, S. (Unknown), Views of the famine: Vassar College web site. Retrieved December 1, 2001 from World Wide Web:

Ireland: the distress. (1846, February 10) The Times.
The Irish poor law. (1846, February 10). The Times.
The state of famine and disease in Ireland. (1846, February 18). The Times.
Famine in Ireland. (1846, March 7). The Times.
Letter to the editor. (1846, March 11). The Times.
The year of pestilence and famine. (1846, March 14). The Times.
Letter to the editor. (1846, March 17). The Times.
The apprehended scarcity. (1846, March 20). The Times.
The Irish famine. (1846, April 15). The Times.
Lead editorial. (1846, September 22). The Times.
Famine and its remedy. (1846, December 16). The Times.
Bread riot in the city. (1847, January 11). The Times.
State of the West: riding of Cork. (1847, January 11). The Times.
Letter to the editor. (1847, January 16). The Times.
Distress in Cork. (1847, January 18). The Times.
The distress. (1847, February 19). The Times.
Government supply of seed. (1847, March 8). The Times.
Leader story. (1847, September 17). The Times.
Lead story. (1848, October 4). The Times.
The famine in the West. (1849, May 23). The Times.
Starvation in Galway. 1851, December 11). The Times.

Taylor, S. (Unknown), Views of the famine: Vassar College web site. Retrieved December 1, 2001 from World Wide Web:

Robert Whyte's The Journey of an Irish Coffin Ship, 1847 (Published 1994)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Szabo, L. (1996, May 1). The Irish Famine, 1845-1849: Research Materials. Retrieved January 7, 2002 from World Wide Web: