Descendants of John Taverner of London, England

Union Flag of England and
Scotland (1606-1801)

Generation #3

Note: Information on the Taverner and Webb families is conjecture. To date there is no proof that the Taverner and Webb families intermarried. However, there was a familial relationship as proven by existing wills.

John (2John, 1John) Taverner, Jr.

John Taverner, Jr. was born 1655 in Lancaster Co VA. In 1678 in Rappahannock Co VA, John married Elizabeth Taylor b. 1660 Rappahannock Co VA.

John and Elizabeth lived the remainder of their lives in what would become Richmond Co VA. John died before 3/1693 when his children are cited as his executors.

Will of Thomas Taylor 1/22/1686, 3/2/1686 Rappahannock Co., VA:
godsons John Taverner, Jr. and Samford Jones - 1000 lbs. Tobacco
Isaac Webb, s/o John Webb - 1000 lbs Tobacco
friend Rees Evans - 1000 lbs Tobacco
Thomas White - 4-- lbs Tobacco
Elizabeth Pond - 400 lbs Tobacco
discharge and set free the boy Thomas Huitt - my woolin and linen clothes
friend Edward Jones, Elisha Jones, Thomas Baylis, Mrs. Catherine Baylis, John Webb and Isaac Webb - 6 lb. Sterling to each buy rings
Executors: Wm. Coleston and James Samford
witn. by Isaac Webb, John Blake and Joseph Davis
Abstracts from Records of Richmond County, Virginia:
October 2, 1692 - Stanley Gower being now dead, Angell Jacobus, who married Elizabeth, aunt to the orphans by their mother's side, to perform all the trust given Stanley Gower by the will of Francis Gower. Capt. William Taylor and John Taverner mentioned.
Abstracts from Records of Richmond County, Virginia:
2 Jan 1693 Frances Travers assigns Power of Attorney to Mr. John Taverner to represent her in court to acknowledge "a certain parcell of land containing Fiver hundred acres sold by my Husband, Samuel Travers, unto Charles Dodson of this County by Deed and purpose.
Abstracts from Records of Richmond County, Virginia:
February 1, 1693 - Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, executrix of the will of Mrs. Lloyd, proved the will by oath of Mr. John Taverner, one of the witnesses. 1693 - Mr. John Lloyd, executor of Col. William Lloyd.
Abstracts from Records of Richmond County, Virginia:
March 3, 1698-9 - Order against John Taverner and Sarah Taverner, executors of John Taverner.


    1. Sarah Taverner

Born, Sarah, daughter of John & Eliza Taverner, Jan. 7, 1679.
Abstracts from Records of Richmond County, Virginia:
March 3, 1698-9 - Order against John Taverner and Sarah Taverner, executors of John Taverner.

    2. Ann Taverner b. c. 1680 Rappahannock (now Richmond) Co VA (Conjecture)

    3. Elizabeth Taverner

Richmond Co VA Records:
Born, Elizabeth, daughter of John & Eliza Taverner, March 25, 1681.
“The will of Elizabeth [Beale] dated 17 Mar 1728, was probated in Richmond County, 4 Jun 1729. In it she made bequests to sons Thomas, William , John, Taverner, Charles, Richard, and Reuben, and daughters Anne and Elizabeth.”

    4. John Taverner

Abstracts from Records of Richmond County, Virginia:
March 3, 1698-9 - Order against John Taverner and Sarah Taverner, executors of John Taverner.
Abstracts from Records of Richmond County, Virginia:
Travers, Rawleigh, 20 February, 1701 - 4 March, 1701. Cousins Elizabeth, Winifred, and Rebecca Travers; Godson Rawleigh Brooks; wife Sarah Travers; to wife 400 acres called Exeter Lodge. Capt. Thomas Beale and brother John Taverner executors; legacies to Mrs. Peachey, Mrs. Slaughter, and Mrs. Sarah Baylis, Dr. Robert Clarke and ed. Jones, Mr. Samuel Peachey; sister Beale the remainder of the money given me by Mr. Colston.
Abstracts from Records of Richmond County, Virginia:
Hornby, Daniel, 24 August, 1705 - 5 Sept., 1705. Son Daniel; daughter Frances; Mr. John Taverner and Mr. Thomas Suggett overseers to son.
Richmond County, Virginia, Wills:
Will of James [John] TAVERNER 4 May 1711- 5 Mar 1711/2.
Nephews, Thomas BEALE Jr., John BEALE, William BEALE, niece Elizabeth BEALE; wife Rebecca TAVERNER; nephew, Isaac ALLERTON.

Richmond Co VA Records:
1713 May Charles Colston & Rebecca Taverner, Widow

    5. Richard Taverner

Born, Richard, son of John & Elizabeth Tavernor, July 30, 1685.

Generation #4


This site is provided for reference only. Except where specifically cited, information contained is conjecture and should not be considered as fact.
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